Cypher system pdf 4shared
Cypher system pdf 4shared

Start a new campaign set in a fantasy land of elves and fae creatures, a science fiction setting spanning the galaxy, or a modern slasher horror game. Great GM advice on adapting the Cypher System to a variety of settings, and on running fun, engaging, fast-paced, easy-to-GM game sessions.

cypher system pdf 4shared

  • Loads of equipment and hundreds of cyphers and artifacts.
  • Download Cypher System Free in pdf format. If you can imagine it, the Cypher System makes it easy The Cypher System is the critically acclaimed game engine that powers any campaign in any genre. Stretch goals might upgrade this bundle, so check the main text for more details.
  • 50 descriptors and more than 90 foci, along with all the tools to create new foci This is the full version of the Cypher System Rulebook. GMing tools: The Cypher System XP Deck, a Cypher System dice set, a playmat, a laminated GM cheat sheet, a GMs portfolio, and 18 pre-generated characters (six for each setting) in PDF format.
  • cypher system pdf 4shared

  • Four character types, each easily customized to the needs of your setting.
  • Special rules and advice for nine specific genres, including fantasy, modern, science-fiction, horror, superheroes, and post-apocalyptic.
  • The 448-page Cypher System Rulebook gives you all the character options, equipment, game rules, special coverage of key genres, creatures, NPCs, and cyphers you need for any game.

    Cypher system pdf 4shared